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Friday, April 11, 2014

Bookshelf ABC - J

The Joy of Family Traditions is chock full of fabulous ideas for adding fun to family life. The repetition of activities whether yearly, monthly, weekly or daily makes children feel secure. Traditions give life predictability. Unfortunately, we adults sometimes get bored doing the same things over and over. So why not infuse your routine with new ideas?

The Joy of Family Traditions gave me the idea of instituting a winter hibernation day at our house. Since the day our fourth child was born, my house has been a hive of constant activity. As the children have grown older the radius of activity has expanded, making us ever more crazy. After many years of never slowing down, I realized what a gift a day off would be. Now we take one winter Saturday a year to wear our pajamas all day, eat popcorn, watch movies, play board games and cards, and chill out.


Okay, your turn. Throw out your best J title to me.


Jo said...

Having looked at my bookcase I couldn't think of anything then I suddenly thought Jayne Eyre. Charlotte Bronte. Great story.

William Kendall said...

Jane Eyre was the first book that popped into my mind too!

William Kendall said...

Though there's also David McCullough's historical account, The Johnstown Flood.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan, she has written quite a number of good books.