Please welcome my March guest author, fellow southerner Gae-Lyn Woods. She's a reformed banker turned cattle rancher from East Texas. She's married to a jazz guitarist Englishman, Martyn Popey. I bet the ladies swoon when he plays the classic Get along little dogies, I'm a leavin' Cheyenne. Ahh, but I digress and have possibly insulted a musician.
On top of those credentials for a woman leading an exciting life, Gae-Lynn Woods also writes crime fiction. And when she’s not playing the roadie, tending to cows, fixing fence or digging post holes, she’s working on book three in the Cass Elliot Crime series and starting a new series for one of Cass’s friends, Maxine Leverman.
I bolded my favorite line in the excerpt below. Look for it. Before I hand over today's blog post to Gae-Lynn, I'd like to make sure readers know where they can connect with her and where they can find her books:
Twitter: @galynnwoods
Barnes & Noble:
And now, these words from my guest, Gae-Lynn Woods:
The idea for The Devil
of Light came to me after a well-respected elderly man groped me. Not once,
but twice. It wasn’t until a short time later that I realized he hadn’t used me
for balance, but instead was grabbing my body intentionally. And that he
thought this was his right. Yeah, creepy. It struck me that there were probably
other old men who thought this type of behavior was their right, too, and I
started to wonder what would happen if these like-minded men got together and
found a way to bend others to their will through blackmail, or even violence.
The idea for a cult, The Church of the True Believer, was born.
On top of those credentials for a woman leading an exciting life, Gae-Lynn Woods also writes crime fiction. And when she’s not playing the roadie, tending to cows, fixing fence or digging post holes, she’s working on book three in the Cass Elliot Crime series and starting a new series for one of Cass’s friends, Maxine Leverman.
I bolded my favorite line in the excerpt below. Look for it. Before I hand over today's blog post to Gae-Lynn, I'd like to make sure readers know where they can connect with her and where they can find her books:
Twitter: @galynnwoods
Barnes & Noble:
And now, these words from my guest, Gae-Lynn Woods:
Thanks so much, Lucy, for letting me come post on your blog!
I’m excited to share some of the background behind The Devil of Light, and one of the scenes that launches the story.

In this scene from The
Devil of Light you’ll meet the two main characters: Detectives Cass Elliot
and Mitch Stone. They’re interviewing Angie Scarborough, who has been hospitalized
after her husband Lenny beat her and she killed him in the barnyard with a farm
implement. Angie’s mother is in the room, as is Dr. Vijay Ramasubramanian (Dr.
This scene lays the groundwork for the discovery of a cult
that’s been hidden for years in the peaceful town of Arcadia, in East Texas.
Angie murdered her husband because she believes he and other men are abusing
their daughter and other children. Without Angie’s actions, the cult could’ve
continued their abuse and the violent manipulation of townspeople unabated.
“ARE THE COWS HURT?” Angie Scarborough asked as Cass and
Mitch entered her room. She struggled to keep her eyes open as Dr.
Ramasubramanian checked her pulse. The left side of her face bloomed red and
raw in the fluorescent lights, the white of her eye now a slit of angry scarlet
between her swollen eyelids.
narrow hand snaked from a dim corner next to the bed, stroking her dark hair.
“Now sweetheart, calm down.”
cows,” she demanded, straining to push higher on the pillows.
fine,” Cass answered as Mitch drifted into a corner. “None were injured.”
God.” She found the position she’d struggled for and settled with a tired sigh.
“I guess you want a statement.”
glanced at Dr. Ramasubramanian. The thin man nodded once, balding head gleaming
in the overhead lights. “Yes, ma’am, if you’re strong enough to talk.”
Angie, you should wait until we’ve got a lawyer down here.” A pinched woman
leaned toward the bed, her face strained in the bright lights. “Think of the
once Mother, I am,” she said, softening her words by reaching for the slender
hand. Angie drew a shuddering breath and focused on Cass. “I killed Lenny. You
found the pictures?”
eyes filled with tears. She pointed to her face. “He did this when I confronted
him. He’s hit me before, but never like this. He’s usually smarter, hides the
damage.” She fingered the smooth sheet. “He didn’t deny it. Any of it. Just
laughed when I told him I’d found him out. He laughed, can you believe
are you talking about?” her mother asked.
perfect son-in-law is – was – abusing your granddaughter.” The older woman
gasped as the sound of Angie’s choked laughter filled the small room.
was doing no such thing,” her mother said, voice sharp. “He has always been a
kind husband and given selflessly for the children. Detective,” she added,
watery voice growing stronger as she pulled herself into the light, “I insist
that this stop. She’s suffered a severe shock seeing her husband killed like
that. And she’s confused from the sedative. I may need one myself if this goes
enough, Mother. You have no idea who Lenny was.” Her words were firm, eyes
bright as she found Cass again. “I told him I’d take the pictures to the
police. That’s when he started to laugh, and he hit me. It must’ve knocked me
silly, because next thing I knew I was flat on the ground and Lenny had gone
back to working on the cows.” She drew a deep breath.
Ramasubramanian shifted his slight weight and placed a hand on Angie’s
shoulder. “The police can wait, Mrs. Scarborough. I would like for you to rest
yet, Dr. Rambo.” She focused on Cass. “I don’t know if it is my daughter in
those pictures. Maybe it doesn’t matter. All of Lenny’s preaching for all these
years, and it was nothing but lies. I knew it wouldn’t stop. So I climbed in
the truck, punched the accelerator and speared him.” A ghastly slash split her
face when she smiled. “He turned at the last minute and I watched his face in
the rearview mirror. He didn’t think I had it in me.”
he say where the photos came from?” Cass asked.
shook her head. “He just laughed.”
photos are you talking about?” her mother asked.
had looked to Mitch when Angie spoke, her tired voice flat. “Pictures of your
son-in-law abusing at least one child. Pictures don’t lie, Mother.”
my goodness,” the older woman whispered as she looked at Cass. “Lenny? Is this
are photographs, but we haven’t confirmed identities yet.”
in them,” Angie replied. “He has scars on one hip and on his chest. The right
side. Match them to his body.”
heavens,” her mother breathed, eyes rolling back in their sockets as she slid
toward the floor. Mitch lurched for her as Angie started to giggle, developing
a deep belly laugh that brought tears to her eyes.
Ramasubramanian shouted for a nurse and helped Mitch move the older woman to a
chair. He checked her pulse, his dark, solemn eyes watching Angie as she
is a suitable Southern response to anything vulgar, Dr. Rambo. Wave smelling
salts under her nose and give her some attention. She’ll be fine,” Angie
assured him, blowing her nose. She sighed, cheeks glowing and good eye
twinkling. “Lord, I feel better. Look, you might as well sit down. I need a Dr.
Pepper and I’ll be fine. Who has change for the machine?”
Thanks again to Lucy for having me, and thanks to you for
taking the time to stop by her blog. I hope you’ve enjoyed the excerpt above
and will get to know Cass, Mitch, and the other good and bad folks of Forney
County through the Cass Elliot Crime Novels!
A horrid concept, but one that happens sadly. Sounds like a good book.
It's odd how an unpleasant experience can become the source of a book.
The book sounds intense, Gae-Lynn.
Thanks so much for letting me visit your corner of the blogosphere, Lucy - it's been a pleasure.
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